Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Springheeled Jack - Anthony - Sixth Hour

[Figure 1]
There are many stories of creatures who come out only in the middle of the night, perhaps one of the most terrifying of all is the Spring Heeled Jack. He appeared for the first time on February 22, 1837. the Jack is said to have red glowing eyes and can shoot blue and white fire from his mouth. He is tall and thin, is clad in a tight black cape and wears a metal helmet such as the ones police officers wore in victorian era England. Personally I think the spring heeled jack is very real. There are many credible sources and eyewitness reports of this being.

The credible information comes from the earliest reports of attacks in England. The first instance of these attacks was made by Mary Stevens in the Clapham common in London, England. There is physical evidence of the attack including scratches on her torso and face. There is also a torn blouse. An eyewitness claims he saw a strange man leap over a fence to attack her. Another credible account of an attack was when a group was formed to hunt the Jack, when they found him they fired upon him. One of the hunters was a skilled marksman in the British military. All in the hunting party claimed that they saw rounds shot by the marksman hit the Jack but all passed right through without any harm coming to him.

Although there is a lot of credible information on the Spring heeled jack, there is little uncredible information on him. Out of the liitle uncredible information I could find on the subject, one theory stood out the most, the fact that many people believe the Jack to be Jack the ripper. Jack the ripper is a notorious serial killer In the late 1800’s. Another theory, this one even less believable, is that there are many reports claiming that people believe that the Spring heeled jack is an alien.

The spring heeled Jack has had many reports of sightings in the United states in recent years, but little evidence from any, so the reports could not be proven or dis proven. With all of the information on the Spring Heeled Jack, I do believe that the Jack is a real being.

  • Fig. 1. Spring heeled jack. Date retrieved: April 6, 2009
  • Spring heeled jack or jack the ripper Date retrieved: April 7, 2009
  • Spring heeled jack Date retrieved: April 7, 2009
  • Spring heeled jack Date retrieved: April 7, 2009

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