Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Loch Ness Monster - Blake M. - Sixth Hour

[Figure 1]
Loch Ness is a lake in the Scottish Highlands. There are about 7 of these Loch’s within the vicinity, with Loch Ness being the second largest. This loch is ‘home’ to one of the most famous cryptid in the world: the Loch Ness monster known to the world as Nessie. Some how this creature has managed to live in this murky, 754 feet deep lake, without being caught. There have been many witnesses, who claim to have had an encounter with Nessie, but I am still undecided in whether or not I believe Nessie exists.

Since the first report of a Nessie sighting in 1933, Nessie has been a mystery to the world. Although there is no exact specification, Nessie is said to be most like a Plesiosaur. The first account of a Nessie sighting in 1933 was made by George Spicer and his wife. Mr. Spicer claimed that while driving on vacation in Scotland, he and his wife saw something crossing the road toward the direction of the loch. The creature was “4 feet high, had a 25 feet long body, and a small head with a neck as long as the 10-12 feet road.” This was just the beginning. The most credible source was found in 1954. The crew on a boat names the Rival III found a large object about 480 feet deep in the lake, on their sonar radar. The object kept its pace with the boat for about a half a mile, before losing contact with the radar. Was the large object actually Nessie?

With all of the evidence found to prove Nessie is in fact real, no one has officially ruled whether Nessie is real or not. What does that mean? It means that Nessie most likely isn’t real. I say this because researchers have spent years using sonar’s, submarines, and ----- to find this creature and they have come back empty handed each time. The fact that Nessie may be a dinosaur is another myth that is ruled out because of the last ice age that had an impact on sea creatures. Another reason why the Loch Ness monster is not real is the photos ‘taken’ of it. The more famous photograph of the monster, dubbed the ‘Surgeons Photo’ was proved a hoax. The other pictures that are in the media are either cartoon, or obviously fake. The last reason why I think Nessie might just be a myth is the fact that elephants are really good swimmers. An elephant’s trunk is about as long as witnesses have described the Loch Ness monsters neck to be. In the dark, which is mainly when the sightings have been, an elephant’s nose, head, and body can create the illusion of a monster swimming in the water.

The credible and non-credible evidence in the Loch Ness monster’s case are enough to drive someone insane. I am still undecided for many reasons. I think that the Loch Ness monster could be real because this story has been in the works since the 6th century. I also think Nessie just a myth because he/she has not been found after all the money researchers have put into finding him/her.

  • Figure 1- the Loch Ness Monster Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009:
  • Loch Ness monster website Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009:
  • Loch Ness monster website 2 Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009:
  • Loch Ness monster website 3 Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009:

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