Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vampires - Rosa - Fourth Hour

Vampires are they real? In the most research I did the people think vampires are not real. I think they did a good job scaring them making them believe in vampires because some people are cautious having crosses garlic and stakes around them in case they get attack. In the next paragraphs I will give you credible and non credible information on vampires I believe vampires are unreal.

There are myths dated back thousands of years ago. The originate from different regions like Asia Eastern Europe. There to be said they are demons human blood suckers changes into bats coming out at night. So is it a myth or is it real? There is this rare disease porphyia this could be the start of the rumor of vampires. Porphyia is a metabolic disorder it causes a malfunction in the production in the heme, an iron pigment essential in transporting oxygen in the blood . The symptoms are sensitive to the light resulting in burning or blistering hallucinations and seizures. In more severe forms they suffer from abdominal pain irregularities in the heme pigment also can have discolor in the mouth ruined teeth making them look more prominent.

There has been blood drinkers ghouls throughout history. One case Elizabeth Bathory who was known as the blood countless she has killed over six hundred people and drank there blood. Vampires are known to live in Transylvania in Romania. Many people claim that vampires are real. there are a variety of vampires all over the world. They take the form of a person they will lure you to them take you somewhere and drink your blood.

So in conclusion I still don’t believe in vampires I think there fake some one made up a story and people took it to serious making vampires real. The people did a good job scaring the people by making movies books now they think if you wear crosses vampires wont get you.


Figure 1“Van helsing vampire,” April 8, 2009
“Vampires have been with us since the dawn of time,” April 7, 2009
“Are vampires real,” April 7,2009
“Real vampires,” April 7,2009

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