Tatzelwurm’s are classified as cryptid’s, because no one really knows whether they exist or not. The Tatzelwurm, German for claw worm, was reported in the Alps of Austria and Switzerland for hundreds of years. The Tatzelwurm is known by many regional names such as “The Stollenwurm”, which means tunnel worm, “The Bergstutzen” which means mountain stump, and “The Springwurm” which means jumping worm. I actually do believe there were once Tatzelwurm’s on this planet because after all, out of every myth and legend, there is always some fact. Descriptions of the creature vary some what but all seem to describe a stumpy lizard like creature between 2 to 6 feet long.
The Tatzelwurm is a dragon-like beast reported to have been in many places, such as the Alps of Switzerland, Austria, Bavaria, and France where it is known as many different names. It has smooth hairless skin, delicate scales, and can grow up to six feet long. All Tatzelwurm’s have two front legs and the hind legs are either missing or vestigial. The head of a Tatzelwurm is the most distinctive part of the body. It has big eyes and looks like a cat. There is little evidential proof that the Tatzelwurm is real, but what there is, is quite believable. Reported sightings of this creature have become so rare, Crypto zoologist’s think that if in fact the Tatzelwurm does exist, it may be extinct today. The first sighting of a Tatzelwurm was in the seventeen hundreds, by a farmer who claimed it attacked his livestock (particularly a hog). The farmer was so frightened by the attack, he suffered a heart attack the same day and died, Reports has ranged through out Switzerland since then till present day. If you’ll notice, the image above illustrates this happening.
There are many more resources stating that the Tatzelwurm is in fact a hoax. Most speculations on what it might have been all center around lizards, salamanders, snakes, and otters. Some salamanders often had vastly shriveled legs, therefore, that might also be how the Tatzelwurm was believed to have no back legs. Some think that the Tatzelwurm was just a large salamander with little or no back legs that once inhabited the European Alps. Perhaps it was considered a mythical cryptid because it was usually hidden under water and had seldom encounters with people. Many believe that it was probably more comfortable in water, but with having front legs, could still get by on land. Similar creatures also described as looking like the Tatzelwurm have also been told to be in thousand year old Scandanavian folklore.
As I stated earlier, I in fact do believe that the Tatzelwurm once did exist on this planet. After researching, viewing pictures, and reading many people’s blog’s, I have concluded it is real. There are many recorded attacks, such as the one above in paragraph two. The over- all fact in why I believe it is real is actually a personal quote. It is “After all, out of every myth and legend, there is always some fact that starts it.”
Title: Tatzelwurm, Fact or Fiction? [Image 1; Date retrieved: April 6 2009] Web Address: http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/siren/552/tatzelwurm.jpg
Title: Tatzelwurm, Fact or Fiction? [Image 2; Date retrieved: April 6 2009] Web Address: http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Tatzelwurm
Title: Tatzelwurm, Fact or Fiction? [Reference site 1; Date retrieved: April 6 2009] Web Address: http://www.unknownexplorers.com/tatzelwurm.php
Title: Tatzelwurm, Fact or Fiction? [Reference site 2; Date retrieved: April 6 2009] Web Address: http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Tatzelwurm
Title: Tatzelwurm, Fact or Fiction? [Reference site 3; Date retrieved: April 6 2009] Web Address: http://www.newanimal.org/tatzel.htm
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