Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gargoyles - Dahlia - Thrid Hour

When I was a little girl my mom used to tell me that gargoyles brought good luck your way. We have gargoyles around the house to bring us good fortune. Do Gargoyles really bring you good luck? Do they hold special spiritual powers? Do they hold devilish evil powers or godly good spirited powers? Can they be real? Do you believe that they’re real? What makes Gargoyles cryptids? Gargoyles are considered to be cryptids because many people believe that they are real, as long as many people do not believe they’re real which makes gargoyles hidden animals. Gargoyles came from the French word “Gargouille” meaning throat or gulp and have existed since the early Greeks. They were originally designed as a water spout built to guide the water off of the roofs of buildings and cathedrals. Eventually Gargoyles became more ornamental than used as spouts. Most of them were made in the medieval Gothic period. There are a whole variety of cryptids which can possible be mixtures of different animals. In Harry Potter there was a man, horse mix, they were called centars. Gargoyles have their own mixture which is lion, goat, and a snake mix. These are called Chimeras. Architectural buildings no longer make Gargoyles on the edges of the buildings because of the danger. They were built so long ago that they started to erode and break apart sending pieces crashing to the ground, making it an unsafe for pedestrians walking under them. I believe that Gargoyles really bring good luck to you and ward off evil spirits.

Legend says that the originally gargoyles are based on a legendary dragon named La Gargouille. Does that sound familiar? Alright, so here is how the legend goes. There was once a beastly dragon named La Gargouille. He terrorized a small village by the river Seine (which is now part of France). People tried to live in peace with the beast by sacrificing criminals for him to eat. A strong, Christian Knight told the villagers that he would help them by killing the dragon if they all converted to Christianity. We all know how this ends. The villagers in vain agree. The Knight slays the dragon and burns him to the stake. But because the dragon breathed fire, and the heat was located in the neck and above, he would not burn. The original structure of the Gargoyles comes from the remains of the dragon that wouldn’t burn. People believe that because the dragon was so evil that all Gargoyles possessed evil, devilish powers. While people would look up at gargoyles and think curses upon them, others thought they were godly and scared off the evil. 
I couldn’t come upon reasons and facts why people do not believe in them. But my opinion is that out of a group of people there are always the people who need facts. Are there any recorded records dating back to 600 A.D. describing where they came from? Not quite, people need to see things to believe them. No body can really see the spiritual energy that flows through mysterious creatures.  How can someone see stone fighting evil? Not happening. If you’ve ever seen ghost busters you see how there are gargoyles and you‘ll see how people think the whole ghost business is a joke. People laughed and made fun of them, but they kept insisting. When ghosts started to haunt people more and more, and eyes guided upon mysterious transparencies people believed ghost busters. There really hasn’t been evidence that Gargoyles have actually done something other than sit on top of a cathedral or building and spit water out.

Why I believe Gargoyles are real is because of the Legend of “La Gargouille”. Religion had a big part that era. It was similar to when the Christians started stealing holidays from the pagans and telling them that they have to convert to Christianity or die. But that’s a whole other story. However, the only difference between that and the Knight is that he bribed. Everyone has their religious beliefs. Ever since I started this project I got more into gargoyles and knowing what they were all about, I believed them more. I feel protected when gargoyle statues are around. They are such fierce looking beasts that it’s as if evil is afraid of them. I believe in gargoyles because The Legend of “La Gargouille” proved it to me.


Title: Gargoyles Date Retrieved: April 2, 2009 Web Address: http://www.mythicalrealm.com/creatures/gargoyle.html
Title: Gargoyles Date Retrieved: April 2, 2009 Web Address: http://www.newanimal.org/gargoyles.htm
Title: Gargoyles Date Retrieved: April 2, 2009 Web Address: http://northstargallery.com/gargoyles/aboutgargoyles.htm
Title: Gargoyles Date Retrieved: April 2, 2009 Web Address: http://www.newanimal.org/gargoyles.htm
Title: Figure 1, Gothic Gargoyle Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009 Web Address: http://s7d3.scene7.com/is/image/DesignToscano/CL3689?$detail$
Title: Gargoyles Date Retrieved: April 7, 2009 Web Address: http://www.ehow.com/about_4565291_gothic-gargoyles.html

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